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- Services -

Rapid Prototype Service

We'll build your application in just a few days.

How it works.

We'll initially review your requirements and capture the core parts of what you want to achieve and prioritise against what we can achieve in the allotted timescale. We then build your application, using templates where viable, and present this back to you several days later. 

See results quickly

Within 5-10 working days, see a working prototype that you can assess.

Predictable costs

We charge a set amount for this work, even with variable amount of time required to achieve a working prototype.

Creates visibility

Once we get a prototype working, this allows you and us to get a vision of what's necessary in addition to the prototype to achieve a production scope.


for Lite

5-day service


fixed price

for Standard

7-day service



for Enterprise

10-day service


fixed price

Have questions?


Contact Us